Hoag Classic - Newport Beach Country Club

Hoag Classic Tickets

Hoag Classic - Newport Beach Country Club

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Experience the Excitement of The Hoag Classic

The Hoag Classic is an annual golf tournament held at the Newport Beach Country Club in Newport Beach, California. The tournament is a part of the PGA Tour Champions and has been held annually since 1995. It was previously known as the Toshiba Classic before being rebranded as the Hoag Classic in 2019.

The tournament is held at the Newport Beach Country Club, which is known for its challenging layout and stunning ocean views. The course has undergone several renovations over the years to keep up with the changing demands of the game and is now considered one of the finest courses on the West Coast.

Notable winners of the Hoag Classic include Jay Haas, Hale Irwin, and Fred Couples, all of whom are legends of the game and have won The Hoag Classic more than once.

As a fan attending the tournament, you can expect to witness some of the best golfers in the world competing on a beautiful course in a stunning setting. The atmosphere at the tournament is always electric, with passionate fans cheering on their favorite players and enjoying the many amenities available on site.

If you're a golf fan looking for an unforgettable experience, then you won't want to miss the Hoag Classic. So why not purchase your tickets today and be part of the action? You'll get to witness some of the greatest players in senior golf competing on a beautiful course, and you'll have the opportunity to soak up the excitement of the tournament and make memories that will last a lifetime.